Relevant Links

Websites of Collaborators, Online Booking Systems for NYCU 3T MRI and NYCU/TVGH fNIRS, and Other links.

Collaborators 單位網頁

1. Translational Imaging Research Center, TIRC, TMU
台北醫學大學 轉譯影像研究中心

2. Laboratory of Preclinical Brain Imaging (PBI), Prof. Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, NYCU 
陽明交通大學 高瑀絜老師 臨床前腦造影實驗室

3. Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging and Signal Analysis Laboratory, Prof. Yu-Te Wu, NYCU 
陽明交通大學 吳育德教授 醫學影像/訊號人工智慧分析實驗室

4. Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, NYCU
 陽明交通大學 生物醫學影像暨放射科學系

5. Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology, NYCU
 陽明交通大學 物理治療暨輔助科技學系


Booking Systems 預約系統

1. NYMU 3T MRI Booking System
 陽明交通大學 3T磁振造影預約系統

2. TVGH/NYMU fNIRS System Calender
 陽明交大物輔系&北榮神內 近紅外光系統使用時間表

Softwares 分析軟體

1. IBASPM 64-bit version

This 64-bit version is modified and compiled based on the original version (IBASPM official website). Please follow the regulation and proper citation annouced in IBASPM official website.

International Neuroimage Database 國際神經影像資料庫

1. NeuroImage 2016 Volume 144, Part B: Data Sharing Part II

2. NeuroImage 2015 Volume 124, Part B: Sharing the wealth: Brain Imaging Repositories in 2015

fNIRS articles fNIRS 20周年文章精選

1. NeuroImage 2014 Volume 85, Part 1: Celebrating 20 Years of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)

fNIRS Layout Map近紅外光配置圖

Modified from the 10-5 montage system (Clin Neurophysiol. 2001;112(4):713-9; J Clin Neurophysiol 1988;5:183-6).
A demonstration of the souorce-detector layout covering bilater PFC & IFC regions (designed for NIRSport88 system).