Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (UnderGraduate)

Elective Course for the Third-grade Undergraduate Students
Lecturer: Chia-Feng Lu (
醫用磁振學 (醫放系大三)
授課教師: 盧家鋒

教學目標 Objectives


This course will cover basic principles, hardware, and pulse sequences of MRI for several clinical applications, including angiography, functional neuroimaging, contrast enhancement, spectroscopy, cardiac imaging, and musculoskeletal imaging.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. understand the basic principles of MRI and gain the knowledge required to pass the national examination.
2. apply the learned skills to safely and successfully complete MRI of patients in clinical practice.
3. communicate effectively with the team to collaborate in solving the problems encountered during imaging examinations.

Miro Co-creation Link

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磁振相關國考題 National Exam



Week 1: Review of MRI basic principles

Week 2:Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)

Week 3: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

Week 4: MR angiography

Week 5: MR contrast agent

Week 6: MR perfusion: DCE & DSC

Week 7: MR perfusion: arterial spin labeling (ASL)

Week 8: Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI)

Week 9: Yang-Ming 3T MRI room visiting and scanning
<Handout>Visit Sheet.pdf
<2023.5.12 13:00-15:00參觀組別>
1.請各組提早5分鐘至圖資大樓B1磁振造影室玻璃門口集合 (須從圖書館大門外左邊小門走樓梯下至B1)
109263002, 109263008, 109263013, 109263015, 109263016, 109263021, 109263022
第二組(13:40~14:10):109263024, 109263025, 109263028, 109263034, 109263035, 109263038, 109263039, 109263040
第三組(14:20~14:50):109263041, 109263046, 109263047, 109263050, 109263051, 109263052, 109263053


Week 10:Functional MRI (fMRI) I

Week 11: Functional MRI (fMRI) II

Week 12: Examination Procedure

Week 13: MR Spectroscopy (MRS)

Week 14: Cardiac MR imaging

Week 15: Mmusculoskeletal MR imaging

Week 16: Final Competition 期末分組競賽
(1) 請各組準備2台可上網的筆電
(2) 競賽過程可察看講義、上網搜尋資訊
(3) 請各組同學於課堂聚集在一起,方便討論作答
(4) 如缺席學期總成績以不及格計算

Week 17:Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging

Week 18: Parallel imaging techniques



Title:MRI The Basics (3rd edition)
Authors:Ray H. Hashemi, William G. Bradley, Christopher J. Lisanti
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,2010

 Title:MRI in Practice (4th edition)
Authors:Catherine Westbrook, Carolyn Kaut Roth, John Talbot
Publisher:Wiley Blackwell, 2011

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